Flushing Shipping Agencies b.v. has the possibility to accommodate your vessel for bunkering, stores/spare or fresh water delivery on our River Westerscheldt anchorage positions at Flushing / Vlissingen Everingen Anchorage.
These positions at Flushing are right in the middle of the ARA region, have limited congestion and no harbour dues are applicable.
We can also put you in direct contact with various bunker traders and bunker suppliers if required.
Furthermore, we can also assist with for instance crew handling and parts sourcing Click
Update 2021: LNG bunkering pilot project at the Westerschelde River (ARA Region).
Our local authorities have started a progressive pilot project. Bunkering of LNG at the inner Everingen Anchorage
(resulting in a unique situation where no mooring inside a port is required to bunker LNG).
Contact our office to learn more:
In order to request your PDA for a bunkercall at Everingen inner anchorage, please fill out below form